Sunday, November 30, 2014

Just a little about me

               Greetings and welcome to my Beer Review Blog. As a teenager I would drink what my friends liked, which was usually some cheap beer that we could afford to drink in mass amounts. As teenagers we would sacrifice quality for quantity. Most of us didn’t even enjoy the taste of beer and why should we, considering the horrible stuff we were drinking.

                As a young adult I started to slow down a little and drink things that I found enjoyable. For me that was the beers from Canada. Labatt’s, Molson and the like were the beers I would spend my hard earned money on. I didn’t know anything about beer, I just knew that these beers had a crisp refreshing taste, to my young palate, that I enjoyed. I had never heard of microbrews or craft beers, until a small microbrewery opened up in my town.

                I must admit at first I wasn’t a fan of microbrews, but as I continued to sample them I found some that I absolutely loved. I’m never going to drink a twelve pack in a night again, but my enjoyment and respect of beer has increased exponentially. I now love trying new beers and finding new flavors that bring my taste buds to life and reward me for a hard day’s work.

                Given the fact that there are so many great beers on the market, my reviews are going to be tougher than most. If a brewery is going to go through the trouble of producing a beer then the expectation is good. On a scale of 1-10 good is a 5 and an average beer is more like a 3. As long as everybody understands the grading scale I think everything will go smoothly.  Also please follow me on twitter, there is a link on my name and a YouTube page coming soon. So until next time, Drink what you love,


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