Sunday, December 7, 2014

Alaskan Brewing Company Hopthermia Beer Review

   If there is any state I could live in besides Michigan it would be Alaska. That is the reason I went back to school to get a degree in Chemical Engineering. When I get my degree in Chemical Engineering I could take my family to Alaska and work for the oil companies or my ultimate pipe dream becoming a brew master for the Alaskan Brewing Company. I know I will never get the chance to become a brew master, but it’s fun to dream and while I’m dreaming I figure I might as well do a review on the great Alaskan Brewing Company. So I bought a six pack of Hopthermia and I’m ready to let you know what I think of it.

   As soon as I removed the cap from my bottle of Hopthermia I took a nice whiff of the contents inside and could smell bold hops with a nice floral aroma surrounded by hints of citrus and spices. By the smell I was expecting a bold flavor with a slightly bitter and spicy taste and an after taste that lingered.

   I took a good sized sip of Hopthermia and was correct about the bold taste. Right away I could taste a variety of hops that blend together nicely to create a strong full flavor that will keep me nice and warm inside during the cold Michigan nights. The hops are rounded out by a citrus flavor that gives a bold almost sour taste that compliments the fresh, earthy, hops bringing out even more flavor. I was expecting a long and strong aftertaste, but it actually finishes decently with just a lingering hint of orange and grapefruit that is more refreshing than anything else.

   Despite the almost too sour taste of the citrus notes, I still enjoyed the beer very much because of the bold hops and decent finish that balances all the sourness and creates a good complex beer that is surprisingly easy to drink. The one funny thing that I found is that I enjoy sipping the beer more than taking actual drinks. By sipping it I can enjoy the beer going over every section of my palate, waking up every set of taste buds in my mouth. By taking full drinks I lose some of the subtle flavor. On a scale of 1 – 10, I would say this is a very strong 7.5 out of 10.

   This is the first beer I’ve tried from Alaskan Beer Company, but it won’t be the last. I look forward to enjoing many more variety from the truly bold and unique beer company. Until next time,


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